Spark Of Rebellion Wikia

What This Gear Does[]

The number of different musical traditions across the galaxy is truly staggering. From the haunting throat singing of the Tusken Raiders to the cool and sophisticated wail clubs of Coruscant, every sentient species that has ever existed has made music of one kind or another. Along with musical traditions comes musical instruments. Musical instruments are made in a dizzying array of styles, and the list of specific instruments is far too vast to include here (although some common instruments are included to provide guidance), but a character needing to purchase an instrument or instrument accessory (strings, reeds, sticks, etc.) can usually find what he's looking for with little effort on any marginally civilized world. The exact price and availability of a specific instrument not found here is left to the discretion of the Game Master, and the acquisition or theft of a rare musical instrument can easily lay the foundation for a complex and exciting adventure.


These small, clear-toned chimes are secured to the performer's ankles with a length of string or chain, tinkling softly as the performer moves. To properly "play" these chimes, one must be able to control his own movements with the care and precision of an acrobat. Thus, they are often used to accompany dances.


Bandfills are complicated wail instruments, featuring several horn bells. Playing one is difficult, and the best bandfill players can obtain galactic renown.


Developed by the Weequay, the chinharp creates music by striking notes with a small chord hammer.

Common Instruments[]

Most cultures invent some form of horns, drums, and reed instruments as part of their development. While price and rarity may vary depending on the specific instrument, they typically tend to be within an affordable price range, and local substitutes for common musical instruments can be found throughout the galaxy.


Scratch-built musical instruments made out of spare Podracer parts, floonorps are more likely to be assembled than purchased. The most that can be said for them is that they are both cheap and loud.

Kloo horn[]

Double-reeded wind instruments, kloo horns are commonly used by jatz musicians and create that music's distinctive higher notes.

Characters Who Use This Gear[]

  • Unknown at this time